YWAM Dallas Summer Impact

YWAM Dallas is an essential part of HIS Plan Organization, and their work makes a huge impact on our East Dallas community and beyond. Here are some inspiring words from their team and a recap of the summer: 

Championing the Next Generation

Five-year-old Evie came up to me and showed me the picture that she drew. She said to me, “This is me, this is Jaylyn and this is Jazzilyn.” Then I asked her, “Where’s mom and dad?” “Oh, I forgot,” she answered shyly. I said “Oh its okay. It’s really beautiful.”

That moment made me feel so sad for these little ones. They are just a few of the many who are in this situation where parents are mostly absent. I know that the parents are really working hard and doing everything they can to make ends meet, however, the kids need nurturing and time. They are often left to their aunts, uncles or anyone who is available to take care of them because their parents are not always around.

What happens when we don’t take time to invest and champion these little ones?  This question reminds me of Judges 2:10-11, “After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel. Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baals.”

Having seen Evie’s drawing made me realize the value of our ministry here at YWAM Dallas.  We have a big responsibility of teaching them about the Lord and leading them to Him so that out of the chaos, they will know that there is a Heavenly Father who loves them with an undying and unconditional love and is the Only Answer to every need and void.  – Gayle Elicerio

YWAM Dallas Summer Recap

Summer Kick-Off Carnival

The summer started with a bang as HIS Plan, Junius Heights Church, YWAM Dallas, HIS Girl, and Women of the Word (WOW) worked together to hold the Summer Kick-Off Carnival in Junius Heights.  It was such a generous and gracious act that united us to work together while advertising all the church activities, summer camps and activities we offer. Children and families enjoyed food, music, games, craft stations, a climbing wall, and many other fun activities.  When it was about to end and we could not help but smile and praise God for all the things that He had done in us and through us—both as individuals and as a whole.



The past three months have been very busy.  We held two camps in two weeks: Heroes and Sheroes Camp followed by  Arts With A Mission (AWAM) from July 17 to July 30.  We served 60-70 kids plus about 20 volunteers during this time. We also went to Kids Across America (KAA) in Missouri.  We sent 10 kids and 7 adults from our ministry.

Jose Carrillo, one of our staff members, shares his experience: “Going to KAA was a blast. It was a week filled with peace, joy and life-changing events.  I am deeply blessed to have met and shared wonderful testimonies with 23 pastors and youth leaders.  We had a night that they called “Cross Talk” where Jesus’ death for our sins was acted out. It was a powerful moment.  One of our kids was crying and I felt compelled to hug him and speak the truth to him. I said, “You are a child of God!” And that brought the boy peace within himself.” This young man and 4 others from our group made commitments to follow Christ that night. We see these as landmark moments in the lives of these young people.”

On August 20, 2018, our team of eleven: David Funke, Greg Mulloy, Elizabeth Humbu, Jose Carrillo, Trina Hill, Victor Carrillo, and Gayle Elicerio brought our kids: Matthew Gutierrez, Alexander Ponce, Jesus Izaguirre, and Alexis Renteria went to Montana to help Manhattan Presbyterian Church in their Vacation Bible School.  It was truly a blessed and joyous moment for us to be able to teach 50 kids for five days.  We are overwhelmed and humbled by the love and generosity of Pastor Debbie Funke and church members who hosted us, fed us and showed us the beauty of Montana.  We were happy to strengthen the connections we have with the church there and honored to be able to partner with them.

A Moment of Truth

Whenever I hear the word Montana, I always imagined that it to be such a beautiful place.  Indeed, it was splendid.  I was fascinated with the beautiful lakes, the green trees, and the mountains that stand with such majesty.  It was so beautiful and peaceful.

However, one thing that shocked me was the abundance of alcoholism and drug addiction.  A lady there whom the church is helping was about to lose her son because she is addicted to alcohol.  I also met a precious teenager who volunteered with us in the Vacation Bible School (VBS), who, along with his siblings, is going to be put in a foster home because his parents are so dysfunctional.  I was blessed to work with him because we could show him what it means to live lives surrendered to Jesus. We are praying that he will follow our example and not his parents’ example.

In beautiful Montana, we can see that depression, sadness, and darkness have nothing to do with the place you live or your family background.  Hopelessness and loneliness are places where there is no acknowledgment of Christ as being the Lord in the hearts of men.  – G.E.


One of the wonderful things that happened this summer is that Women of the Word (WOW) has started again. Led by Mrs. Debbie Blair and supported by HIS PLAN organization, it is a once-a-month fellowship for the mothers of the children that we work with in our neighborhood.  The women are really blessed to have a meeting that empowers them and encourages them to be better wives and mothers. We also invite other speakers like Jane Rowland from C3 Trinity Church.

Prayer Requests

  • We mentioned in our previous newsletter about fostering kids.  Now, there are two foster kids living with us, and we are happy to have them here.  Please pray that they will have a wonderful time as they continue to adjust to living with us.
  • God’s grace, strength, and wisdom for fall activities
  • Provision for repairs at Timothy House
  • Vehicles for our staff members
  • Provision for our monthly financial needs

We need your support. Your donation, big or small, to YWAM or a specific project makes a huge difference. Thank you.

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