HIS Plan had a fantastic year in 2018. Here are some of the major highlights to help tell our story.
Rebranding & Name Change
In 2018, we changed the name of Left In America to HIS Plan last Spring to incorporate all of our nonprofit programs under one umbrella. This included new registration with the state and federal government, and a new logo and website. Help spread the word by sporting a shirt or cap.

Left in America
The Path Project created a short documentary on Juan Terrazas to tell his story. It's a beautiful complement to the Left In America book and Juan's current mission work.
HIS Girl
HIS Girl completed its 9th and best year ever. We now have 5 different age groups, ages 6 through college and hold fantastic bi-monthly meetings with worship time, Bible study, and dinner. 2018 included several outings and a wonderful retreat. HIS Plan provides total financial support of this program through a dedicated donation.
Women of the Word (WOW) started back up and has had great attendance for their monthly meetings. HIS Plan provided total financial support.
YWAM Dallas Events
HIS Plan supported many YWAM events throughout the year including:

3 Summer Camps
Boys Fishing Trip
Christmas Outreach
Food & Angel Tree gifts
YWAM Dallas Service Projects

To finish the outside work on the YWAM Dallas office, HIS Plan installed new front steps and railings.
Our major project was to paint the outside of the YWAM residence, "Timothy House", and install a new porch, doors, and windows. We completed 90% of the project and will finish it in 2019.
HIS Plan continued supporting the YWAM playground by purchasing a battery operated mower, edger, and blower, installing a new drinking fountain, and upgrading the basketball court and fence. Volunteers of C3 Trinity also built a new Jeep for the playground.
Summer Carnival
HIS Plan joined forces with Junius Heights Baptist Church to help revamp and grow the church in the neighborhood and promote YWAM summer programs. We contributed planning, promotion, and financial support through a dedicated donation.